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The Dragonfly Healing Quest

JULY 25 - AUGUST 3, 2025



Change is everywhere and in all things. It is sometimes jarring, such as the way a landscape changes to wasteland after Forest has been clear-cut. Or it is sometimes subtle, like the slightest shift in movement as Sunflower slowly turns her head toward Sun, unnoticeable within a moment’s attention. The Dragonfly Healing Quest, is a rite of confirmation, integration, and initiation that seeks to derive meaning through life’s diverse and challenging transitions. It is a ceremony for those who desire to experience meaningful ritual and personal growth.


After up to five years of living in the murkiness of the underwater realm, Dragonfly Nymph rises. Leaving behind an exoskeleton that no longer serves, she emerges from the depths transformed. With glistening wings, she skillfully flies in six directions: East, South, West, North, Skyward, and Earthward. For Dragonfly, her transformative emergence is the most natural thing in the world. But for humans to ascend from the deep transmuted, we need to make a conscious decision on behalf of growth and healing. Intent is the necessary catalyst that sparks metamorphosis, reshaping us into something entirely new.


The Dragonfly Healing Quest reflects elements of rites of passage and renewal that stretch back to our ancient ancestors: leaving the familiar for a period of aloneness, giving up physical comforts, shelter, safety, food, and the company of other two-leggeds, direct and intimate contact with wild nature (both inner and outer), followed by a return with a vision and a task. These elements are expressed in all traditional rites of passage, including those of your own ancestors, Native American Vision Quests, Australian aboriginal walkabouts, Christian pilgrimages, and many other ways of confirming life changes.


Framed as a rite of passage, the Dragonfly Healing Quest includes group work and time in solitude in nature, supported by appropriate ceremonies, dedicated to enhancing the meaning and direction of your life. As a participant in the program, you are invited to spend 4 days and 4 nights of solitude on the land, remembering your true and essential nature. Fasting during this time is common but not required. Together, we will craft a ceremony appropriate for your unique healing journey. My role as Guide is to hold the ceremonial container so your experience can go exactly where it needs.   


The Dragonfly Healing Quest includes activities in the following areas      

  • Reconnection to self, others, and nature

  • Medicine Wheel teachings

  • Nature-based ritual and ceremony

  • Trance drumming and spiritual journeying

  • Sensory awareness and mindfulness practices

  • Sharing circles

  • Sweat lodge and pipe ceremonies (We do not hold lodges when there are fire bans)

  • Time in solitude on the land (fasting optional)


While there will be lots of time spent outdoors, the level of physical activity will not 

exceed the capabilities of most people.


Your Guide

Corinna Stevenson (Achak Miskinahk Iswew) 


Your exchange 

$682.50 - $1995 (GST included) Deposit: $250

Registration Deadline: June 25, 2025

I have established a sliding scale to make this program accessible to more people. I have set forth no criteria and ask that you pay what is appropriate given your circumstances and access to financial resources. It is important to me that all who wish to participate in this program be able to do so. If you are unable to afford the base rate, please contact me to explore ways that will allow you to participate. This ensures accessibility for all and alignment with traditional teachings.

For guidelines on using the sliding scale, click here.



A $250 deposit will secure your registration. Space is limited. Please register early to avoid disappointment. This deposit signifies your commitment to the program and is deducted from the base rate balance. All deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable. They cover the work of preparing the program you signed up for, including all communication and administration involved. 


A note on gifting for ceremony 

Tobacco: Tobacco is a sacred messenger plant, a connector to the spirit world. When praying, Tobacco is offered. Tobacco is also offered when teachings and knowledge are being shared. Although Tobacco is often gifted to the person sharing the knowledge, the offering is not specifically to the person but to the spirit of the knowledge that comes though that person and to the lineage of all those who carried the knowledge forward. When you ask a knowledge keeper to guide you, it is customary to do so with an offering of tobacco and solid coloured cloth. You offer the tobacco and cloth, make your request, and allow time for the kowledge keeper to consider your request. The acceptance of your gift of tobacco is an affirmation that the knowledge keeper will guide you. 

In today’s world, Tobacco’s medicine has been abused by large Tobacco companies. Tobacco’s reputation has become tarnished because of this misuse. Tobacco’s sacredness remains intact regardless of the misuse and abuse it has suffered. I grow my own ancient strand of Tobacco, but it is acceptable to gift Tobacco that is store bought. Cigarettes are fine too. Regardless of its form, Tobacco remembers their Original Instructions. 

It is customary to offer tobacco as a gift that expresses your respect and gratitude for the ceremony and that reflects an understanding of the value of the wisdom being shared.


Please Note 

Participants are responsible for their own camping gear and we will share responsibility for food. Come prepared to be self-sufficient. When you register you will receive additional information including guidance on what to bring and how to prepare yourself. 


Your 10-day ceremony involves 

three days of preparation, four days and nights of solitude in the forest of Ravenwood, and three days of incorporation before you return home. 


Minimum age 

19 years, unless special permission is given.

Maximum number of participants: 6

Minimum number of participants:

If you are interested in participating in this ceremony, please contact me directly: 

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